When we went to Walliwall before we went onto the water we had to prepare by putting on buoyancy aids which Richard, one of the two instructors, pointed out were very different to life jackets because you have a lot more room to move your arms and also because you can swim with a buoyancy aid. We saw the difference between the old 1st nation paddles which were made of wood and the new modern metal and plastic ones we have now. Unfortunately the 1st nation spirit ship was not able to be there. We played a game to get into character where we had to carry sacks of life jackets in a portage fashion style which means carrying a load over land. We had to carry the sacks to the blue minibus which we came in. Dropped them and then ran back to the start, high fived our partner and then they ran to collect them. We then went into the canoes and had lots of fun.
Kirsty, Marcus